In view of the upcoming elections in the Republic of Serbia, scheduled to take place on 3 April 2022, we quote the notification issued by the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government: “Voters residing abroad are hereby advised to contact the appropriate diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Serbia, not later than five days before the day of the finalisation of the Single Electoral Register (on 12 March 2022 at midnight), in order to present a request that their intention to vote abroad in the upcoming elections be noted in the single list of voters. Such a request for entering the voter's intention to vote abroad in the Single Electoral Register must include the following data: first name and last name of the voter; the single ID number of the voter; the municipality, i.e. the city and address of residence of the voter in the home country, as well as data on the municipality, i.e. city and address of residence abroad that will determine the polling station where the voter will vote in the upcoming elections, and the signature of the applicant. The diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Serbia, where the expat has filed the request to enter his/her intention to vote abroad in the Single Electoral Register, will thereby duly inform the competent municipal or city administration corresponding to the original place of residence of voter, which will then issue a corresponding decision. Once the competent Electoral Commission for the elections passes the decision on the selection of the polling stations, the competent municipal or city administration will adopt a decision on entering the note that the voter will vote according to his/her place of residence abroad and the polling station where he/she will vote, or, conversely, the decision that the conditions for the voter to vote at his/her place of residence abroad have not been met. After the adoption of the decision that the voter will vote in the upcoming elections according to the place of residence abroad and such a note is entered in the Single Electoral Register, the voter will no longer be listed in the excerpt from the Single Electoral Register according to his/her place of residence in the home country but will be listed according to his/her place of residence abroad.
The information that the note that a voter will vote abroad may only be entered in the Single Electoral Register if that person is already listed in the Single Electoral Register. If a person who has the right to vote is not listed in the Single Electoral Register, the decision on the request for listing the intention of the voter to vote abroad, implies that the procedure for the registration in the Single Electoral Register be completed beforehand. The request to be included into the Single Electoral Register, together with the request for entering the annotation that the voter will vote abroad, will be submitted to the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Serbia, which in turn will forward both requests to the competent municipal or city administration, according to the applicant’s last place of residence in the home country prior to emigrating, i.e. according to the last residence of one of his/her parents.
Voters can access and check the Single Electoral Register online by entering their citizen’s single ID number and identity card or passport number, through the official website of the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hereby invites citizens of the Republic of Serbia who wish to exercise their right to vote abroad to contact the nearest diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Serbia. The list of diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Serbia can be found here. |